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This Privacy will enter into force from the moment of acceptance by users and being in force from January 1, 2021.



XPERIENCE ALL, is responsible for the processing of your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.


How to contact us?


You can send an email to ARCO (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition), responsible for the care and handling of your data to the following electronic address: or by telephone: +52 998 109 5734, with the person in charge ARCO.


For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data?


Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:


Provide the services and products required by you.

Inform about changes or new products or services that are related to those contracted or acquired by users.

Comply with obligations contracted with our users.

Evaluate the quality of the service, and

Conduct internal studies on consumption habits.


What personal data do we obtain and from where?


For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide them to us directly; when you visit our site or use our online services, social media and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law.


Personal data that we collect directly.


We collect your personal data directly when you provide it to us by various means, such as when you participate in our promotions or give us information in order to contract the services offered on the site. The data we obtain by this means may be, among others:


·        Name.

·        Domicile.

·        Telephone.

·        Social Networks / Electronic Messaging Systems.

·        Email.

·        Tax Data.

·        Banking Information.


Personal data we collect when you visit and interact on our website or use our online services:


·        Name.

·        Domicile.

·        Telephone.

·        Social Networks / Electronic Messaging Systems.

·        Email.

·        Tax Data.

·        Banking Information.


Personal data that we collect through other sources.


We may obtain information from you from other sources permitted by law, such as telephone directories. The data we obtain by these means may be, among others:


·        Name.

·        Domicile.

·        Telephone.

·        Social Networks / Electronic Messaging Systems.

·        Email.

·        Tax Data.

·        Banking Information.


Sensitive personal data.


We inform you that in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, sensitive personal data will be collected and processed, such as those referring to: sexual preference, physical condition, state of health, disability and medical documents, banking information, among some others. We promise that they will be treated under the strictest security measures that guarantee their confidentiality. This process is essential for XPERIENCE ALL to generate the service you are requesting, so we ask you to indicate your acceptance in the processing of such data. The security and confidentiality of the data that users provide when contracting an online service will be protected by a secure server under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, in such a way that the data sent will be transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection. However, it is clear that no data communication over the Internet is totally secure, so XPERIENCE ALL cannot guarantee that your personal data will be free from any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing.


How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal data?


You can stop receiving promotional messages by landline, cell phone, email and postal mail by following the following steps: Sending an email to the following address: in Spanish where you indicate your request and the necessary data such as: Full name and / or Business Name (name or names and surname or surnames),  attaching a digitized version of the official identification (scan), telephone and physical or electronic address for the purposes of notifications related to the case. For any questions or clarification, contact the email with the person in charge of ARCO.


How to access or rectify your personal data or cancel or oppose its use?


You have the right to access your personal data that we hold and the details of the processing thereof, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, are being used for non-consented purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose the treatment of them for specific purposes. The mechanism that has been implemented for the exercise of these rights are through the presentation of the respective request, sending an email to the address in Spanish where you indicate your request and the necessary data such as: Name and / or Full Business Name (name or names and surname or surnames),  attaching a digitized version of the official identification (scan), telephone and physical or electronic address for the purposes of notifications related to the case. For any questions or clarification, contact the email with the person in charge of ARCO, leaving said information protected under the same applicable law. The deadline to respond to your request is 20 (twenty) business days and we will inform you about the origin of the same through the means you provided us to notify you.


How can you revoke your consent to the processing of your data?


At any time, you may revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, so that we stop using them. To do this, it is necessary to submit your request by sending an email to the address in Spanish where you indicate your request and the necessary data such as: Name and / or full business name (name or names and surname or surnames), attaching a digitized version of the official identification (scan), telephone and physical or electronic address for the purposes of notifications related to the case. For any questions or clarification, contact the email with the person in charge of ARCO, leaving said information protected under the same applicable law. The deadline to respond to your request is 20 (twenty) business days and we will inform you about the origin of the same through the means you provided us to notify you.


Your data may travel to another country or be shared with others.


We undertake not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, with the exceptions provided for in article 37 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by said law. Except in the cases referred to in article 37 of the aforementioned Law:


When the transfer is provided for in a Law or Treaty to which Mexico is a party.

When the transfer is necessary for prevention or medical diagnosis, the provision of health care, medical treatment or the management of health services.

When the transfer is made to holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the responsible, or to a parent company or to any company of the same group of the responsible that operates under the same internal processes and policies.

When the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract concluded or to be concluded in the interest of the holder, by the person responsible and a third party.

When the transfer is necessary or legally required for the safeguarding of a public interest, or for the prosecution or administration of justice.

When the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process.

When the transfer is necessary for the maintenance or fulfillment of a legal relationship between the person responsible and the owner.

Modifications to the privacy notice


We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this privacy notice at any time, for the attention of new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offer of our services or products.


These modifications will be available to the public through Visible Ads on the site (privacy notice section).


Use of cookies, web beacons and Links to third-party sites.


Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some data about this user, including their preferences for viewing the pages on that server, name and password. On the other hand, web beacons are images inserted in an Internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user's IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others.


We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you, such as the following:


Your browser type and operating system.

The Internet pages you visit.

The links you follow.

The IP address.

The site you visited before entering ours.


These cookies and other technologies may be disabled. There are several sites on our website that may connect to other websites that do not work under the site's privacy policies. When you connect to other websites, the privacy practices of our website as well as this Notice are no longer valid. We invite users to review the privacy policies as well as the corresponding Notice of each site before disclosing any personally identifiable information.


To whom can you submit your complaints and denunciations for the improper processing of your personal data?


If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been injured by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, or you presume that in the processing of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals,  may file the corresponding complaint or complaint with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data ("INAI"). For more information visit

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